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Privacy policy

Haşim Kırık Legal Consulting attaches importance to the protection of private life and personal data. In this context, as the data controller, we would like to inform you about the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data Law (PPDL) and the relevant legislation.

Through the forms under the relevant sections on our website, special clarification texts have also been prepared for the relevant sections about the purposes and scope of processing personal data.

With this clarification text, we aim to provide information about the personal data of our visitors visiting our website, as well as our business partners, clients and client candidates, which are processed within the scope of our activities.

What Kind of Personal Data Do We Process for Which Purposes and Based on Which Legal Reason?

Our Site Visitors

In order to understand how the features and functions of the website are used in order to classify and evaluate the IP addresses and user data of our visitors visiting our website, for website analytics and improvements, and to improve the user experience, within the scope of Article 5/2 (f) of the Law, your fundamental rights and freedoms may be harmed. We process it for the legal reason that data processing is necessary for the protection of our legitimate interests.

In addition, our website contains links to some of our social media accounts. By clicking on the symbols of the relevant social media providers, you may have additional access to our social media accounts. These social networks may also collect and process your personal data. We have no control over this collected data and data processing activities. If you access your social media accounts, we recommend that you review the privacy statements and terms of use published by the relevant social media providers.

Even if you do not share any information with us through our website or other communication channels, you can refer to our cookie policy for other data that may be obtained during your visit to our website. In accordance with our cookie policy, very limited types of cookies are used only for the purpose of meeting your needs for your visit to our website and for analytical purposes. During your visit, the language of your internet browser, the time zone you are in, the time spent on our pages and search engine optimization information, etc. information is obtained and information about visits to our website through the tools we use is shared with us (such as how many visitors from which country) anonymously and cumulatively. The tools we use do not share the personal data they process with us.

Our clients

Establishing a power of attorney or concluding a service contract with our clients, for the purposes of serving our clients and representing our clients, within the framework of the consultancy service we carry out with our clients or the personal data of our clients' personal data or the personal data of our corporate clients' representatives, officials, employees, or litigation processes Within the scope of the Law, it is processed for the legal reason that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract pursuant to article 5/2 (c).

In addition, the personal data of our clients or the personal data of our corporate clients' representatives, officials and employees are protected by your fundamental rights and freedoms pursuant to Article 5/2 (f) of the Law, in order to manage our business relations with our clients, to communicate with them, to inform our clients about legal developments and innovations. It is processed for the legal reason that data processing is necessary for the protection of our legitimate interests, provided that it does not harm.

Our Business Partners

The personal data of our business partners and employees are processed for the legal reason that they are directly related to the conclusion or performance of a contract in accordance with Article 5/2 (c) of the Law for the purposes of concluding and performing contracts with our business partners. In addition, personal data is processed for the legal reason that it is necessary for the protection of our legitimate interests within the scope of Article 5/2 (f) of the Law, in order to manage our relations with our business partners, establish communication, and inform them about legal developments and innovations.

Our Client Candidates and Stakeholders

Client candidates requesting an offer to receive services from us, representatives of corporate client candidates, officials and employees; Personal data of the relevant persons, stakeholders, academics and colleagues that we met at events or obtained from public sources in accordance with the law, contact management within the scope of the software used by Haşim Kırık Legal Consulting, communication with these people and the legal innovations and developments of these persons. In order to inform them about the activities, they are processed for the legal reason that data processing is necessary for the protection of our legitimate interests, provided that it does not harm fundamental rights and freedoms within the scope of Article 5/2(f) of the Law.


In addition, the personal data of our website visitors, clients, business partners, client candidates and stakeholders may be disclosed to official authorities without your explicit consent, if requested by official authorities in accordance with the relevant legislation and in cases where disclosure is required in accordance with the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation. It may also be possible to use the personal data of our website visitors, clients, business partners, client candidates and stakeholders to the extent necessary in relation to a legal dispute or potential disputes and to share them with courts and other authorized institutions and organizations. In this context, personal data is provided with your express consent within the scope of Article 5/2 (ç) of the Law in order to fulfill the legal obligations of Haşim Kırık Legal Consulting and within the scope of Article 5/2 (e) of the Law in order to establish or protect the rights of Haşim Kırık Legal Consulting. can be processed without the need.


To Whom and For What Purposes Can We Transfer Your Personal Data?

Only if it is necessary to fulfill the purposes of processing the above-mentioned personal data, your personal data that you transmit through our website or your personal data obtained by us may be shared with third party companies and authorized public institutions and organizations from which we receive services, support, consultancy within the scope of fulfilling the above purposes. .

Your personal data may be shared with the competent authorities within the scope of requests from the authorities authorized to request your information within the framework of the legislation and in case of disputes.

Our computer systems and infrastructures are kept in Turkey, and as a rule, there is no transfer of your personal data abroad.

In Which Methods Do We Collect Your Personal Data?

Your personal data is collected through automatic or non-automatic means, verbally, in writing or electronically, through documents and information you transmit to us electronically or physically.

What Are Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data?

We would like to remind you that, pursuant to article 11 of the Law, you have the following rights:

  • To learn whether your personal data is processed, to request information about it,

  • To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,

  • Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred,

  • Requesting correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed, and requesting that this situation be notified to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred, if you exercise this right,

  • To request the deletion or destruction of your personal data if the reasons for processing your personal data disappear, and to notify the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred if you exercise this right,

  • Objecting to the result of the analysis of the information we have obtained with automatic systems and claiming compensation in case of damage.

As Haşim Kırık Legal Consulting, we undertake that you can use these rights you have at any time and in the most appropriate way, without prejudice to our obligations arising from the current legislation. For this, it is sufficient to contact us via the contact information on our website.

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